馬鞍山崇真中學Ma On Shan Tsung Tsin Secondary School

School Life

Study Tour 2019 Seattle


A group of 18 F.1 to F.5 students joined our English Enrichment study tour to Seattle from 30th June – 15th July 2019.

The 16-day study tour served to enhance students’ learning experience and provide an opportunity for rich cultural immersion. They attended English classes in the mornings and went sightseeing in the afternoons.  Many of them enjoyed visiting the Space Needle, Seattle Aquarium, Theo Chocolate Factory, Pike Place Market and excursions to Tillicum Village and Woodland Park Zoo. All these activities, in their different ways, helped to develop their self-esteem, independence and broaden their horizons and knowledge greatly.

It was definitely an eye-opening and life-changing trip.