馬鞍山崇真中學Ma On Shan Tsung Tsin Secondary School


School Vision and Mission


School Mission:

Our school upholds the educational tradition of the Tsung Tsin Mission of Hong Kong, which emphasizes education and mission. Our motto "Truth is Supreme" reflects our commitment to providing students with a high-quality and holistic Christian education that nurtures their moral, intellectual, physical, social, aesthetic, and spiritual development. Through this education, we aim to foster well-rounded individuals who possess noble character, flexible thinking, strong physique, critical thinking skills, professional and team spirit, as well as positive and correct life values. Our goal is to equip our students with the tools they need to establish fulfilling and abundant lives, contribute to society, serve others, and confidently face various challenges with unwavering faith and capabilities.


Educational Objectives:

In terms of knowledge and skills:

  • Cultivate students' good study habits and enhance their self-learning abilities.
  • Improve students' analytical, comprehension and independent thinking skills.
  • Foster strong language proficiency in both Chinese and English, as well as mathematical competency.
  • Develop students' information technology literacy and ability to use technology effectively.

In terms of character and personal qualities:

  • Encourage students to develop attitudes of self-discipline, responsibility, mutual respect, and concern for society.
  • Nurture environmental awareness and promote sustainable development.
  • Promote healthy emotional and mental development in students.
  • Build students' physical fitness and wellness.
  • Help students develop their potential, inspire creativity, and cultivate appreciation of the arts.
  • Instill students with the virtues of "MOSTTees”:
    • M: Motivated
    • O: Obliging
    • S: Self-disciplined
    • T: Trustworthy
    • T: Tolerating


Educational Beliefs:

Our school holds the following educational beliefs:

  • Every person is created by God and possesses unique value and dignity.
  • Every person has potential and can achieve success by utilizing their strengths.
  • Everyone should have access to education to develop their potential and strengths.
  • Christian values such as truth and love provide a solid foundation for students to establish a new life and bring about positive development.
  • It is our responsibility to be good stewards of the earth, ensuring its conservation and sustainable development for future generations according to God’s will. We should also strive for compassion, justice, and peace, working towards the greater good of society.