馬鞍山崇真中學Ma On Shan Tsung Tsin Secondary School

English Language Education



The Department of English


The English Department is committed to creating a fully immersive English environment on campus, ensuring a rich linguistic experience for students. To adapt to the swiftly evolving education policies and the NSS curriculum, the curricla for junior forms have been thoughtfully redesigned. The ultimate goal is to inspire and motivate students to embrace English learning and utilize the language effectively in their daily lives. By exposing students to English-rich environments, they are equipped with the skills and confidence to navigate diverse contexts, enabling them to thrive in an increasingly interconnected world.

Curriculum Information

Junior Curriculum


Our junior curriculum enhances language proficiency for academic, professional, and leisure purposes, fostering personal growth, intellectual development, social skills, and global competitiveness. It includes phonics, language arts, and practical Business English, with a focus on nurturing reading skills and cross-subject integration. Our comprehensive curriculum empowers students to thrive academically and excel in the modern world. Through pre-lesson preparation, in-class discussions, and higher-order questioning techniques, students are enabled to learn more effectively. Collaboration and peer learning further enhance communication and teamwork abilities for holistic development.


Senior Curriculum


Our senior curriculum prioritizes the development of students’ reading skills and study habits, preparing them for the HKDSE. Extensive reading on current issues cultivates vocabulary and broadens their perspectives. Academic preparedness is emphasized with comprehensive coursework and exam strategies. A diverse range of literacy genres equips students with vital skills for success in their school-based assessment (SBA). Critical thinking and analysis skills are fostered, empowering students to think independently and approach problems from various angles.


Afternoon Tea Etiquette Workshop


Cultural Exchange Programme


Drama Outing


Food Carnival


Inter-Class English Drama Competition


RTHK radio recording