馬鞍山崇真中學Ma On Shan Tsung Tsin Secondary School

Science Education





Physics is a fundamental branch of science that seeks to understand and explain the behavior of the physical world around us. It encompasses the study of matter, energy, and their interactions etc.

Through observation, experimentation, and mathematical analysis, physicists formulate theories and models to describe and predict the behavior of physical systems.

The applications of physics are vast and diverse, shaping many aspects of our lives. From technology and engineering to medicine and environmental science, physics underpins numerous advancements and innovations. It has led to breakthroughs in areas such as electricity, telecommunications, transportation, and medical imaging, revolutionizing the way we live and interact with the world.

Curriculum Information

S3 Science (Physics)


In this Unit, students will learn about the above aspects of light and the electromagnetic spectrum. They will also study the formation of images by mirrors and lenses, and understand the application of these optical devices in daily life. Through investigating the paths of light rays in different optical devices or mediums and drawing ray diagrams, students will practise science process skills, like handling apparatus, observing and inferring, and communicating by graphical representation. The design and make activities help arouse students’ interests in learning and provide opportunities to foster their creativity and innovative mind.


Senior Physics


This curriculum consists of compulsory and elective parts. The compulsory part covers a range of content that enables students to develop understanding of fundamental principles and concepts in physics, and scientific process skills. The following topics: “Heat and Gases”, “Force and Motion”, “Wave Motion”, “Electricity and Magnetism” and “Radioactivity and Nuclear Energy” should be included.


The 11th Young Astronaut Training Camp


Info Day in CUHK


Young Astronaut 2023





Chemistry is a branch of science that studies the composition, structure, properties, and changes of matter. Matter, which is the subject of study, can be found everywhere in our daily lives, such as in electrochemical cells, medicines, fossil fuels, detergents and plastics, acids and bases, and alloys.

In addition to acquiring basic knowledge, students also benefit from conducting experiments in the laboratory. This allows them to develop scientific thinking and gain mastery over various experimental skills.

Our main goal is to actively engage students and cultivate their interest in the subject. To achieve this, we organize various activities that aim to broaden their knowledge and understanding. These activities include workshops, competitions, project investigations, and model-making, among others.

Curriculum Information

S3 Science (Chemistry)


The S3 Chemistry Curriculum is adapted from both the Science (S1-3) curriculum and the HKDSE curriculum with modifications. It is composed of Planet Earth and Microscopic World I. The broad aims of the curriculum are to enable students to:

  1. Develop curiosity and interest in chemistry;
  2. Acquire fundamental chemistry knowledge and skills, and appreciate the relationship between chemistry and other disciplines;
  3. Develop the ability to make scientific investigation and solve problems;
  4. Use the language of science to communicate science-related ideas;
  5. Develop a basic understanding of the nature of science;
  6. Recognise the social, ethical, economic, environmental and technological implications of science, and develop an attitude of responsible citizenship;
  7. Be prepared for further studies in STEM-related disciplines; and become lifelong learners in science for personal development.

Models Showing Various Chemical Structures


Demonstrating a Fountain Experiment


Making a Lemon Battery





Biology is the study of living things, it provides information about various life forms. Additionally, biology includes various areas of study concerned with the sustainability of life, such as the study of the human body and the environment, the ecosystem, the quality of food, the causes of disease, and the discovery of new medications.The study of life has influenced how the world is today. It has also provided a multitude of reliable and credible explanations for why things occur more scientifically.

Studying biology is far more than just reading textbooks and memorising facts. Exploration and experimentation give insight into life processes’ hows, whys, and whens. It provides an understanding of the dynamics of living things and how they interact with their environment. But more importantly, studying biology teaches students to think critically and solve problems. As such, it sharpens a student’s ability to observe patterns in data, assess situations realistically, and build arguments logically — all skills necessary for critical thinking.

There is nothing more interesting than studying beautiful life together through activities and lessons. Our students are all fascinated by the amazing diversity of life in nature. Besides studying structures and processes, we also integrate social issues into the curriculum, aiming to make connections between what students learn in the classroom and what they see in everyday life.

Furthermore, the development of a logical mind and problem-solving skills through studying biology will prepare students to pursue higher levels of study in tertiary and enter a wide spectrum of careers related to science, technology and the environment.

Curriculum Information

S3 Science (Biology)


Our junior form biology curriculum is designed in accordance with the secondary science education curriculum guide in Hong Kong. The aim of F.3 biology education is to nurture students’ interest in biology, to help students build a solid and balanced foundation in biology and to strengthen the bridging between junior and senior secondary biology education. The topic of F.3 biology curriculum is ‘Healthy Lifestyles’.


Senior Curriculum


The broad aims of the DSE Biology Curriculum are to enable students to:

  • Develop and maintain an interest in biology, a sense of wonder and curiosity about the living world, and a respect for all living things and the environment;
  • Construct and apply knowledge of biology, understand the nature of science in biology-related contexts, and appreciate the relationships between biological science and other disciplines;
  • Develop the ability to make scientific inquiries; think scientifically, critically and creatively; and solve biology-related problems individually and collaboratively;
  • Understand the language of science and communicate ideas and views on biology-related issues;
  • Be aware of the social, ethical, economic, environmental and technological implications of biology, and be able to make informed decisions and judgments on biology-related issues; and
  • Develop an attitude of responsible citizenship, and a commitment to promote personal and community health.

Visiting Mai Po Nature Reserve


Having Fun in Fresh River


Identifying the Organisms in Water Sample





The aim of science education at the junior secondary level in MOSTTSS is to lay down a firm foundation in students for further developing the necessary scientific and technological knowledge and skills for further study, as well as in response to the rapid changing needs of our society and the rapid development of science and technology in our country and the world.

Curriculum Information

Junior Curriculum


A broad and balanced learning experiences have been provided for students, such as experiments, dissections, visits, workshops and online learning activities. Those activities not just aim to help students to develop scientific literacy, realise the relationship between science, technology, engineering and mathematics and mastering of knowledge and skills within and across KLAs, but also helping students to develop positive values and attitudes for personal development and for contributing to a scientific and technological world.


Students practise how to use a fire
extinguisher for fire-flighting.


Students participate in a STEAM workshop
about DIY and electroplating


An elite programme to acquire different skills
in scientific investigation